G.A. Donovan Management Consulting Corporation

G.A. Donovan Management Consulting Corporation was founded in 2000 by President and CEO, Gregg A. Donovan. Gregg Donovan's experience with real estate development, permit expedition, project management, and business consulting laid the foundation for G.A. Donovan Management to grow amidst unstable economic times and ever-changing market trends. It is this diverse collection of strengths that has also allowed G.A. Donovan Management to branch out into several other areas of service.

Since G.A. Donovan Management's foundation in 2000, we have branched out into the following companies / services:

G.A.D. Contracting Corporation - Electrical/Telecommunications

Hub Environmental Services, Inc. - Environmental Solutions


City of Boston Permitting / Permit Expedition

One of the foremost issues surrounding City of Boston projects is permitting. Whether your project is just starting or if you have already been denied through the City of Boston's Inspectional Services Department, G.A. Donovan Management can provide new approaches or slipstream existing projects through the local government approval process. Here is a brief list of areas where G.A. Donovan Management can help you realize your permitting goals:
  • Assist in abutter and neighborhood relations with the Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Relations and local Civic Group/Associations
  • Development strategic approaches for the City and local Civic Groups/Associations
  • Promote projects to Inspectional Services Department, Boston Redevelopment Authority, Mayor's Office, Etc.
  • Represent the project at the Board of Appeal hearing